As I’ve said before, I love Twitter and am a bit of a social media fan. However as I’m a bit behind I’m just going to try and answer the questions we were asked to consider.
Are there any other advantages to social networking in the context of professional development than those already outlined above?
Personally, since starting CPD23 I feel more like I’m part of a community, though I’m still more of a lurker and haven’t contributed much yet. It’s reassuring to know that there are people out there all doing the same thing, many who like me are newly qualified. Also, Twitter is a quick and easy way of keeping up to date; I’ll always check Twitter first for news and information.
Can you think of any disadvantages?
Of course there are downsides to social media: it can be extremely addictive and time-consuming if you’re not careful!
Has CPD23 helped you to make contact with others that you would not have had contact with normally?
Until CPD23, I didn’t realise how much it could be used professionally. However, now I follow more library people, including fellow CPD23-ers who I wouldn’t usually have any contact with. All I need to do now it to try and participate more!
Did you already use social media for your career development before starting CPD23? Will you keep using it after the programme has finished?
I used Twitter while doing my dissertation, basically tweeting about what I was up to. In addition, studying by distance learning meant little contact with other students so Facebook was a good way of staying in touch.
Although I’ve dabbled with other networks such as Google+ and Linkedin I haven’t fallen in love with them, so for now I’m just going to stick with Twitter.
In your opinion does social networking really help to foster a sense of community?
Definitely. I think since beginning CPD23 I have felt that I’m a little more engaged with the Library world. For instance, when I’ve asked questions other twitterers have been quick to help. So I agree that it’s a good place to ask questions and share ideas.
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