Friday, 26 August 2011

Thing 13: Google Docs, Wikis and Dropbox

Of the three things we were asked to look at for this thing, I’ve only used Google Docs. I haven’t used it as a collaborative tool, but I can see its potential. Usually if I want someone to see a document I’m working on, I email it to them. I even email documents to myself. So using Google Docs could potentially save time.  I have used it to back up documents, which was particularly useful when I was working on my MA dissertation. However, at the moment I don’t have any work related use for it, but it’s definitely something I’d consider using more in the future. This post inspired me with some other uses.
I’ve only briefly explored Dropbox, but really think I need to investigate further before I comment. I haven’t really had time to explore Wikis either and I can’t immediately see a reason to use them either personally or professionally. Of course I’ve used Wikipedia, but as some people have said, I’m wary of the accuracy of the content. However, I did look at The Library Routes Project and add my Thing 10 post to that. 

Anyway, until I can put these into practice fully, I really can’t comment any more on these. 

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Thing 12: Putting the social into social media

As I’ve said before, I love Twitter and am a bit of a social media fan. However as I’m a bit behind I’m just going to try and answer the questions we were asked to consider. 
Are there any other advantages to social networking in the context of professional development than those already outlined above? 
Personally, since starting CPD23 I feel more like I’m part of a community, though I’m still more of a lurker and haven’t contributed much yet.  It’s reassuring to know that there are people out there all doing the same thing, many who like me are newly qualified. Also, Twitter is a quick and easy way of keeping up to date; I’ll always check Twitter first for news and information.
Can you think of any disadvantages?
Of course there are downsides to social media: it can be extremely addictive and time-consuming if you’re not careful!
Has CPD23 helped you to make contact with others that you would not have had contact with normally?
Until CPD23, I didn’t realise how much it could be used professionally. However, now I follow more library people, including fellow CPD23-ers who I wouldn’t usually have any contact with. All I need to do now it to try and participate more!
Did you already use social media for your career development before starting CPD23? Will you keep using it after the programme has finished?
I used Twitter while doing my dissertation, basically tweeting about what I was up to. In addition, studying by distance learning meant little contact with other students so Facebook was a good way of staying in touch.
Although I’ve dabbled with other networks such as Google+ and Linkedin I haven’t fallen in love with them, so for now I’m just going to stick with Twitter.
In your opinion does social networking really help to foster a sense of community?
Definitely. I think since beginning CPD23 I have felt that I’m a little more engaged with the Library world. For instance, when I’ve asked questions other twitterers have been quick to help. So I agree that it’s a good place to ask questions and share ideas. 

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Thing 11: Mentoring

Although I don’t have an official mentor, I have a friend and colleague who I consider to be an informal one. As the cpd23 post said she has always taken an interest in my career either by sharing advice and knowledge or by facilitating professional opportunities. She’s always been a positive influence (well most of the time but I won't go into that here!) and always encouraged me in everything that I do. After I applied for my secondment she offered lots advice and encouragement and when I was convinced I hadn’t got the job, she was! If I’m feeling less than confident she always makes me feel more positive. She’s also given me opportunities such as asking me to help with workshops and so on, which has given me more confidence. I have definitely found this relationship to be a valuable one.

Thing 10: Graduate traineeships, Masters Degrees, Chartership, Accreditation

I have to admit that when I was at school I never contemplated working in a library; I think like a lot of people I just fell into it. However, I enjoyed spending time in the library, so maybe I had a subconscious desire! I started working in libraries in 1998, and my first job was as a part time library assistant at Newcastle City Library.  In 2001 I started work at the Robinson Library, Newcastle University, and I’m still here today. Over the years I thought a lot about doing an MA.  I felt like I should do some formal library qualification, but I procrastinated for a long time: it could be that I was just happy in my job or that I've never had a career plan nor am I terribly ambitious. Also the time and expense discouraged me.  But I think one day it was just the right time for me. (Plus I discovered that my employer would help towards the cost!). So I applied to study for an MA Information and Library Management at Northumbria University. It was difficult working full time and studying too, but worth it; I definitely don’t think I would have had the confidence to apply for my current position without it. Now I feel like I’m learning so much more.

Although it was never my ambition to work in a library, after all this time I still enjoy it; I love helping students find information or showing them how to use resources they never knew existed. Even after all this time I still get a buzz from that.  

At the moment I’m not considering doing any other qualifications or training; I’m relishing having free time after two years of studying! I suppose in the future I may consider chartering, but I don’t feel any great need at the moment. While I may never be as passionate or as involved in the profession as some librarians, as long as I enjoy my job I’m content.

Thing 9 : Evernote

As I’m catching up I think this will be brief!  I’ve registered with Evernote and have had a bit of a play. So far I’ve saved some websites, but that’s about all. I have a tendency of saving websites or articles to read later, usually bookmarking them in IE and then forgetting about them. I don't know if this would help. Anyway, I’m sure there is a lot more you can do with it, but I don’t think I’ve explored it enough yet. I’ve downloaded the app so perhaps that will encourage me to use it more.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Thing 8: Google calendar

Since I’ve begun a new job recently, I’m finding that I have to be more organised than I was, so I thought Thing 8 would be useful. In the past I’ve just used a paper diary, which was a bit useless as I always forgot to check it!  However I’ve had a look Google calendar, and to be honest I can’t really see myself using it. I already use Outlook Calendar to keep myself organised at work and it doesn’t seem to offer anything different. Also, the new team I’m part of all share our Outlook calendars, so we can easily see what everyone is doing.

Google calendar is used in the library to advertise events, and I used it a little for that. However, personally I’m quite happy to stick with my Outlook calendar.

I've only had a brief look at Evernote, so I'll try and post something on that later this week.