Of the three things we were asked to look at for this thing, I’ve only used Google Docs. I haven’t used it as a collaborative tool, but I can see its potential. Usually if I want someone to see a document I’m working on, I email it to them. I even email documents to myself. So using Google Docs could potentially save time. I have used it to back up documents, which was particularly useful when I was working on my MA dissertation. However, at the moment I don’t have any work related use for it, but it’s definitely something I’d consider using more in the future. This post inspired me with some other uses.
I’ve only briefly explored Dropbox, but really think I need to investigate further before I comment. I haven’t really had time to explore Wikis either and I can’t immediately see a reason to use them either personally or professionally. Of course I’ve used Wikipedia, but as some people have said, I’m wary of the accuracy of the content. However, I did look at The Library Routes Project and add my Thing 10 post to that.
Anyway, until I can put these into practice fully, I really can’t comment any more on these.