Monday, 20 June 2011

Thing 1: Blogs and blogging

Although I’ve been interested in Web 2.0/social media for a while,  I’ve never really had anything to blog about before, so this is a good reason to start!  

I’ve worked as a Library Assistant at the Robinson Library, Newcastle University for 10 years. Last year I graduated from Northumbria University with an MA in Information and Library Management and I’ve recently begun a secondment as a Liaison Assistant.  Both of these things have inspired me to think more about my professional development. That's one of the reasons why I've decided to take part in cpd23.

Already, I’ve dabbled with Facebook and Twitter; I set up a Twitter page while I worked in Reader Services which is still going strong (have a look @nulibrs). So I’m hoping to build on what I already know and have a chance to play around with a few other things.


  1. Congrats on the degree and your secondment (I had to look that word up -- not a term we use in the US). I found your blog from Twitter so that's working for you!

  2. Hi Christina, good to see a fellow Robinson Library staffer here (I think there might be a couple of others lurking in the participants list as well!). I find the library Twitter feeds a really useful resource and often pick up library news and resources from them before anywhere else, so I'm looking forward to learning more about Twitter and other services in the coming weeks.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's nice (and a bit strange) to know that someone is actually reading what I've written!

  4. Lots of blogs to choose from as part of cpd23, thought I'd look up someone I know. Love your background; might have to go back into mine on wordpress and look at the themes


  5. Hi Louise, I sent ages faffing with the design rather than writing anything, which is probably not a good thing...
