Monday, 20 June 2011

Thing 2: Investigate some other blogs

Well, I’ve spent some time looking at a few cpd23 blogs. Although there seem to be a lot of experienced librarians and information professionals taking part, it’s encouraging to read posts from bloggers who, like me, are either newly qualified, or still learning when it comes to Web 2.0. This encouraged me to post some comments. Also, it’s interesting to see the range of blogs out there: from the more professional, serious ones to informal, random musings. I think my blog will probably fall into the latter category!  

I’m sure by the end of the week I’ll have checked out a lot more cpd23 blogs and have a lot more to say (I hope!).

Thing 1: Blogs and blogging

Although I’ve been interested in Web 2.0/social media for a while,  I’ve never really had anything to blog about before, so this is a good reason to start!  

I’ve worked as a Library Assistant at the Robinson Library, Newcastle University for 10 years. Last year I graduated from Northumbria University with an MA in Information and Library Management and I’ve recently begun a secondment as a Liaison Assistant.  Both of these things have inspired me to think more about my professional development. That's one of the reasons why I've decided to take part in cpd23.

Already, I’ve dabbled with Facebook and Twitter; I set up a Twitter page while I worked in Reader Services which is still going strong (have a look @nulibrs). So I’m hoping to build on what I already know and have a chance to play around with a few other things.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

23 Things for Professional Development

I've just signed up for 23 Things for Professional Development, a free online programme open to all information professionals. The programme starts on 20 June and runs until early October 2011.  Having looked at the programme, I'm especially looking forward to the social media side of it. Hoping it will give me a chance to try new things!