Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Library Day in the Life

Civic library, Newcastle, 18/9/1957, Hood collection on Flickr

I haven’t quite decided if Twitter is good or evil. Thanks to Twitter I signed up for #codeyear…and look how well that’s going! However, it also drew my attention The Library day in the Life project, a twice-yearly event where librarians, library staff and library students around the world share a week in their life via blogs, Twitter, or Flickr updates. At first I wasn’t sure sure if I’m really at the level where I have much to tweet about. Some days might be like today, helping a colleague with an Endnote session or manning the Information Desk, but on other days I might be in the workroom all day checking reading lists or working on Library Guides.  But I thought I'd join in anyway.  Even if my week isn’t that exciting, it’s interesting to see what other librarians are doing.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Code year

Saw the #codeyear hashtag on Twitter (thanks Twitter!). It's a new interactive programming lesson sent by email each week: http://codeyear.com/. It claims that we'll be building apps and web sites before we know it. As my only previous knowledge of any sort of coding is the HTML I did for my MA, I doubt it, but thought I'd give it a go. Hopefully I'll manage it. Or not. So depending on how I do, I may or may not post further...